50 Best Movies on Netflix: What To Watch Right Now October 2022

Depicting the past or the future—or a separate world altogether—is often a safer bet than depicting the present reality. Why most movies age poorly while a choice few seem to get even better over time boils down to auteurism. The greater the creative stamp a filmmaker can put on their work, the better the chances are the work will appreciate over time. Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon make one of cinema’s most delightful double acts as a couple of musicians on the run from the Mob, but Marilyn Monroe steals the picture as the coquettish, breathy and entirely loveable Sugar.

We're not going to pretend like this Sandra Bullock/Channing Tatum vehicle is about to win any Oscars, but it's fun. Bullock plays a writer of romance adventure novels, while Tatum is the guy depicting her fictional top movies characters on the covers of the books. Add in Daniel Radcliffe as a crazy rich guy who thinks something written in her books is a real treasure hunt, and so he drops the two of them into the jungle.

The live-action remake of "Beauty and the Beast" might have raked in a large sum at the box office, but it's the 1991 animated version that holds up as a bona fide work of art. It's about a young prince who's doomed to exist as a beast unless he can earn the love of his captive and thereby reverse the spell. It's a charming movie, provided one doesn't think too hard about the somewhat disturbing implications. The film made history when it became the first animated film to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture at the 64th Academy Awards.

Tracy is angry at Dexter for coming back after two years, but her mother Margaret and sister Dinah are delighted at his presence, complicating Tracy's attempts to have a dignified wedding. Because Tracy is angry at her father for his affair and doesn't expect him at the wedding, she pretends that her uncle Willie is her father, hoping to make Mike and Liz think that everyone is happy. Though she at first has nothing but contempt for Mike, she gradually comes to admire him when she finds a book of poetry he has written at the local public library. Mike, too, comes to admire Tracy, whom he realizes is more than just a superficial society girl. Liz, who thinks that Tracy and Dexter are still in love, begins to get jealous when she realizes that Mike is starting to fall for Tracy.

Although the bandits are scared off by the appearance of federal soldiers, Cody is killed in the crossfire. When Curtin suggests that they give a fourth of their gold to Cody's widow, Howard agrees, but Dobbs greedily refuses. Later, Howard helps revive an Indian child after he falls in the water and is forced to visit their village to allow them to repay their debt to him.

Prison life is comfortable, and he reluctantly accepts parole after he heroically stops a jailbreak. Outside, he discovers mass unemployment, and despite a glowing letter of recommendation, he cannot hold a job. Eager to return to jail, he gallantly admits to stealing a loaf of bread to save a starving gamin.

One day, Ashley's sister India and some other women see Scarlett and Ashley in an embrace. Though nothing improper happened, Scarlett is afraid to attend Melanie's birthday party for Ashley that night. Melanie's open affection to her makes Scarlett ashamed, and when she returns home she sneaks into the dining room to drink. In 1861, Scarlett O'Hara, the headstrong sixteen-year-old daughter of wealthy Georgia plantation-owner Gerald O'Hara, is sick of hearing talk about going to war with the North. She much prefers to have beaux like Brent and Stuart Tarleton talk about the next day's barbecue at Twelve Oaks, the neighboring Wilkes plantation.

The story is basic enough—two guys with commitment problems attempting a relationship—but with Eichner and Stoller, and Judd Apatow the movie became a bonafide win. With these two X films—and a third, titled MaXXXine coming soon—West and Goth have created the best original horror franchise of the last decade. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. Here are our picks for the best Netflix movies to feast your eyes on, updated weekly.


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